Utilities Service Provider


To manage the Water Plants efficiently, client had difficulty in simplifying the process of identifying, managing, fixing and treating the water plants without much human intervention, plus the decisions about each Water Plants had to be proactive than reactive.


  • Ingested real time streaming data from IOT sensors from Water Plant and built a data lake.
  • We transformed and cleansed the Unstructured data received from IoT enabled devices and place in AWS RedShift every 5 minutes.
  • Developed Predictive and Prescription based solution to treat the water plant.
  • Developed real time dashboard and reports on Tableau.


  • Reduction in fraud and litigations due to real-time alerts via online, email and texts in the event of excessive consumption, leak or energy costs.
  • Reduction in water bills up to 30% through implementation of smart billing with seasonal and social pricing and, automated meter management.
  • Increase in global water network performance by real-time monitoring of delivery volumes and anomalies.